Field Notes Musings, usually around software.

Benefits of blogging

Communication is the first order of business

When blogging you get to practice getting ideas across in a clear and succinct manner. Good communication is essential not only for information workers, but any job really. Relationships, business dealings and many other aspects of life benefit greatly from sharpening your soft skills.

Free your thoughts

Blogging is a great place to put your thoughts so that you can re-visit them later. It’s there so you can’t forget them. If an idea is rolling around in your head and you don’t want to forget it, you can let it go; and move on to thinking new things!

Verbalize/Writing your ideas clarifies them

Many times when you actually tell someone about what your’e thinking, when you have to put it into words - you think about the idea in a slightly different way. When you explain a concept, your mind breaks the concept down into smaller easily relatable parts, helping you to better understand it yourself :)

Repeat yourself less

If you find yourself sharing the same concepts in conversations, or getting asked about the same thing - you can share a link to your blog!

Help others

Your blog can be a place for people to discover a helpful introduction into something new, or provoke thought to get the gears rolling about some idea(s).

Get feedback

Via comments (or other social media like tweets, etc..) you can gain perspectives, insights and learn how/what others think.

- Christoph @ideaflare