
Micro NoSQL document database with a focus on visibility and simplicity. Made for prototyping or projects with an agile code-first approach. Embark allows you to defer the plumbing or commitment of choosing a specific database technology.


Documents are saved as JSON text files in folders for each collection, so you can easily view/edit data while developing.

Documents saved as text files


Embark uses public properties with get & set to read/write values.

Some other commands are

That's it!

The intent of Embark is to stay simple to use and minimal. A single .dll under 50 kilobytes and no external dependencies other than the .NET framework. By avoiding increasing complexity from scope-creep, Embark will remain crisp and friendly :)

The aim of the project is to provide a DB while you are building new ideas and not to weigh features that do not contribute to prototyping like database replication, query optimizations, optimal disk usage, etc..

alt text


Embark has a NuGet package to keep devs up to date with new features. You are also free to download, modify, compile and use the source code as you wish (MIT License).

Custom text-to-object mapping, like YAML or even DSON is avaliable via the ITextConverter interface passed to a local Client constructor.

To save data over a network:

// start a new server
var server = new Embark.Server();

or you can download a simple server from here.

NOTE: For the WCF server to work, either run it in admin mode or give access rights to the your-machine:port/embark/ namespace.

In development:

Feel free to contact with any feedback, suggestions or to get involved!